Plain Brie
Wisconsin Brie is made just like traditional french brie, that has Penicillium Candidum applied to the surface to form a bloomy rind. The bacteria produce enzymes that ripen the cheese from the outside in. Our brie has a soft, creamy interior with a rich earthy mushroom flavor and an edible rind. Slice on sandwiches, spread on bread, or wrap and bake in pastry. May also be stired into soups and sauces. Goes well with high moisture fruits such as grapes, melons, and berries; or sundried tomatoes. Pair with sparkling wines, Champagnes, or Pinot noir. Some fruit beers also work well. Cracked pepper, and herbed Brie also available.Cut from 6 pound wheels, sold by the pound, weights vary.
1 Pounds 0 Ounces