A natural uncolored medium Cheddar cheese with cranberries.Rich Cheddar flavor with the sweetness of the fruit. Great for salads and ham...
A light Cheddar with the flavor of horseradish. The taste of the horseradish is not overwhelming and quite nice. For those that want a m...
A mild Cheddar cheese with tomatoes and loads of basil. Flavor is definitely pronounced in this cheese. Great for salads, Panini and oth...
Made from an all natural processed Cheddar and than lightly smoked. This cheese has a very creamy texture and a very nice smoked flavor,...
An all natural processed blend of Wisconsin Cheddar and Wisconsin Swiss cheeses and than lightly smoked for a delicate flavor. Just like...
Is it cheese? Is it Fudge? It’s both! Made with American cheese, cocoa, sugar, and walnuts. With the sweetness and smooth chocolat...
A natural Wisconsin Cheddar with a deep smoked flavor. Cut from 5 pound loaves sold by the pound, weights vary.
A natural Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese made with whole blueberries. Great on salads or paired with your favorite wine and nuts. Cut from...
A nice smooth white cheddar with horseradish and a smoked finish. Delicious! Wonderful for crackers or melting in a sandwich.
Cracked black pepper is smoked with the wood from Bourbon Barrels and then added to a nice mild white cheddar.
Mix of Cheddar and Gruyere with a combination of Chipotle and Garlic
A great smoked cheddar with pieces of bacon throughout. Wonderful for melting over a burger or a baked potato.